Verrucae can be painful and can hang around for years. Its not always necessary to treat them if they are unassuming and not bothering you. we can guide you through a range of self treatment options that can be effective at home. But if you suffer painful verrucae or just really want rid, at Surfeet we offer a variety of techniques. But be warned! sometimes despite all efforts they just won't budge

We offer

Salicylic Acid,
NEW Needling!!

What makes Needling different?

Skin cells infected by the verruca virus remain in the outer layers of the skin, evading detection by the body’s immune system.   Traditional treatments aim to reduce the viral load of cells by disrupting the cells and elicit possible recognition by the immune system.   Eliciting a response this way is not always successful, which is why they can persist for so long.

Needling treatment is conducted under a local anaesthetic and uses a sterile needle to force the verruca virus from the epidermal into the dermal layer of the skin.  This allows the body’s own immune defences to recognise the infectious organism and begin to mount an immune response.  

Treatment of only one lesion is required and the internal immune response results in spontaneous resolution of all other lesions.  Resolution has been observed in 70 to 100% of cases with only a small number of patients requiring repeat procedure*

Post-operatively the lesion has the appearance of a dry blood blister.  There is little if any discomfort.  A scab forms after the treatment which takes about 4 weeks to drop off.

You may require follow up appointments for debridement of the verruca while your immunity develops.  Repeat procedures (up to two) may be required in a minority of cases*

*  Falknor G.(1969) Needling – a new technique in verruca therapy.  Journal of the American Podiatry association  59 2 51-52
*  Skilton B and Mehar Z (2011) Needling – a treatment option for recalcitrant verrucae pedis.  Podiatry Now May 2011 21-25